McQ Hits London Fashion Week, West Hollywood Bans Fur, and More
By Erin Donnelly
11/23/11 at 08:35 AM
McQ will show during London Fashion Week for the first time. [Vogue U.K.]
Mink stink: West Hollywood has voted in favor of an ordinance banning the sale of fur. [Huffington Post]
Check out Keds' first foray into apparel, set to launch at Opening Ceremony on Black Friday. [WWD]
More ads promoting Axe deodorant spray have been banned in the U.K. because they are "degrading to women." [Daily Mail]
Kim Kardashian will be on the March cover of Allure, whether Kris Humphries likes it or not. [New York Post]
Kmart stores in Australia have pulled thongs for tweens that say "I Heart Rich Boys" following public outcry. [Sydney Morning-Herald]
Karl Lagerfeld will act as global guest editor for Metro International newspapers on February 7. [WWD]