Scott Schuman Hangs Out With Kanye, Talks Blogger Revolution in GQ

While there seems to have been a détente in the print-versus-Internet battle, Scott Schuman is re-igniting some of those flames in a new GQ interview.
Alex Pappademas profiled the Sartorialist for the magazine's June issue, and in between hanging out with Kanye West (who wants to "get into photography," for the record) at Pitti Uomo, the street style snapper tosses off some thoughts on fashion today that occasionally veered into way-harsh-Tai territory.
"It shocks me when young kids still say, ‘I want to do a magazine," the street style blogger opines. "Really? Do you want to do a magazine because you want to be an editor—what you think that life is, that romance—or do you want to communicate? Because if you want to communicate, why the f--k would you put all those obstacles in your path and have to print pages, as opposed to going right on the Internet and actually communicating?"
Schuman also talks about the ever-increasing star power bloggers have accrued over the past couple of seasons. A memorable turning point occurred at the Spring 2010 D&G show, when Schuman, his girlfriend and fellow blogger Garance Doré, Tommy Ton and Bryanboy were seated front row with laptops, while major buyers from Saks and Neiman Marcus were relegated to the second row.
Tiffany & Co. Tap The Sartorialist and Garance Doré » |
"[D&G] got a humongous amount of press," Schuman recalls. "Look, we brought the bloggers in and gave them the front row. Look at the dancing-monkey bloggers! I could barely bring myself to sit down. Like, 'Ugh, I don't want everyone looking at us.' Like, Oh, look at the cute bloggers! Isn't that cute! Are they playing Angry Birds? When you've got [Saks'] Ron Frasch behind you going, 'I spent two f--ing million dollars on D&G's last
collection, and I'm sitting here? For these little schmucks?'"
But, Scott, tell us what you really think!