
Sneak Peek: Nicole Richie’s 1st Collection for Macy’s Impulse

Nicole Richie Macys Impulse campaign

Photo: Camilla Akrans for Macy's

Nicole Richie is certainly her best advertisement.

We got our hands on the campaign for the designer's collection for Macy's Impulse, and we like what we're seeing. How about you?

No surprise here: we spot some intricate, angular prints and slouchy basics, and of course, Ms. Richie is a winner in the color-saturated shots.

The clothes are set to hit stores mid-September. Guess we'll have to keep waiting.

Nicole Richie Macys Impulse campaign

Photo: Camilla Akrans for Macy's

Who else would you have liked to see modeling Nicole Richie's looks? Let us know in the comments section below!