The Most Fashionable City in America Is… Irvine?

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New York City: second-best in the style game.

Sorry, New York. You may have Fashion Week, Barneys and Bergdorfs, but according to a recent study, your fashion sense is sub-par.

Research and ratings website has released the results of its study on the most fashionable city in America, and topping the list is Irvine, California. Come again? Yep, the Orange County city was number one, followed by New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Dallas rounding out the top five.

The surprising conclusion was reached after researchers selected the 50 largest cities (by population) in the country and tracked each city’s spending at “top-end designer merchants.” Irvine had almost four times the national average, with New York close behind.

It's hardly a irrefutable conclusion, of course: it’s hard to know what constitutes a top-end designer merchant, and how the study accounts for shoppers who spend outside their city (Brooklyn, for example is below the national average on the fashionable index—but what about Brooklynites who shop in Manhattan?).

Or it could just be that we New Yorkers are bitter at being dethroned from our assumed top spot. Can we get a recount?