
Drop Dead Ad Banned Over Thin Model

Drop Dead Ad Thin Model

Photo: CampaignLive.co.uk

The ASA has banned this Drop Dead clothing line ad due to the pin-thin model.

Looks like Marc Jacobs isn't the only one running afoul of Britain's Advertising Standards Authority.

The advertising watchdog has also banned a campaign from clothing brand Drop Dead over complaints that its featured model "appears anorexic," Campaign reports.

Calling the ad "socially irresponsible" and offensive, the ASA took issue with the size 6 model's "highly visible" hips, ribs, and collar bone as well as the makeup that made her look even skinnier.

However, a separate H&M ad, which received complaints that its model was "unhealthily thin," got the all-clear from the ASA. While noting that the model's clothing "emphasized the length and slimness of her legs," the organization did not deem her underweight.

Similarly, the ASA cleared Miu Miu of using a "too skinny" model earlier this year.

And see why an Axe ad was banned in South Africa.