Missoni to Launch Lower-Priced Line

For all those who just didn’t click fast enough to get their hands on Missoni for Target’s instantly sold-out collection, opportunity may come knocking once again.
Not for the highly covered Target pieces—those are long gone or going for exorbitant sums on eBay—but Missoni is planning to launch a lower-priced line of its own, inspired by the success of the Target collaboration.
"We can't waste too much time," Margherita Missoni, daughter of Missoni creative director Angela Missoni, told the Los Angeles Times. "We have a lot of options because everyone is interested, but it has to be something that touches different categories.... The fact that you can put a zigzag on anything was part of the success at Target. People who wouldn't wear a top would have a glass or a blanket."
According to the Times, this new line wouldn’t be quite as inexpensive as the Target collection (although it will presumably cost less than Missoni’s existing bridge line, M Missoni) and will likely be available internationally.
"Maybe it's a partnership with Macy's in the U.S. and someone else in Europe," Margherita said.
One can only hope ... And start camping out.
In related news, check out the full Missoni Spring 2012 RTW collection.