Jennifer Aniston: Sexiest Woman of All Time

File this one under Having the Last Laugh.
A new poll from Men's Health has named Jennifer Aniston the sexiest woman of all time, beating out fellow top-fivers Raquel Welch, Marilyn Monroe, Britney Spears, and Madonna.
"Funny is sexy, and Jennifer Aniston is funny—she was invited to join Saturday Night Live before her big break with Friends," gushes the men's magazine, which asked its readers to rank 100 notable beauties past and present.
"Her down-to-earth persona makes her seem attainable, and anyone who’s seen her in Office Space has to admit she makes even pieces of flair look good. She rarely plays the airhead, and she seldom overplays a role: she’s funny in a quiet, refreshingly human way.
"And her all-too-human love life off-screen inspires sympathy that not even a string of bland romantic comedies can diminish. Other sex symbols drift toward one-dimensionality, becoming flat icons in the process, but throughout her career Aniston has remained sexy, funny, and unmistakably real. For that reason, she is our all-time sexiest woman."
And though she's recently posed topless for Smartwater and her own fragrance campaign, Aniston plays the modesty card when asked who she considers the hottest woman on the planet.
"It’s a tie between Bridgette Bardot and Gloria Steinem," she says. "But if I had to choose one, I’d say Gloria because, well, she’s the full package. That’s sexy."
Oh, and in case you were wondering: Angelina Jolie came in 10th.