Women Going Gray Younger Than Ever, Study Finds

Lady Gaga’s gone gray, Kate Moss has dabbled with ashy highlights, and Kelly Osbourne has sported an entirely silver coif in the past. But for about a third of women under 30, a trip to the salon isn’t necessary to jump on the gray-hair bandwagon.
A new survey commissioned by hair-care company John Frieda—which recently tapped chestnut-topped Katie Holmes as a spokesperson—found that 32 percent of women are going gray before they hit 30 years old—a 14 percent rise from 20 years ago.
While heredity is surely to blame for a certain percentage, the study found that two-thirds of the prematurely graying ladies are blaming their silver hair on stress (a separate study by the American Psychological Association in 2008 found an increase in stress among women, with 80 percent of the participants blaming the economy).
The aforementioned genetics can play a role as well, as can smoking, and another study found a connection between premature graying and a family history of osteoporosis, according to Yahoo! Shine.
Of course, if you can’t work it like Gaga or Kate Moss, there’s always (ahem) John Frieda.