Burberry Wins $100 Million in Counterfeiting Case

Burberry’s cashing in on counterfeiters!
Women’s Wear Daily reports that the iconic British brand won a case in Manhattan Federal Court on Thursday that awarded it $100 million in damages from a group of Chinese internet counterfeiters. The defendants, who ran the sites yesburberryvision.com and buyburberry.com, were knocking off at least 22 different types of Burberry-trademarked goods. (Note to would-be Burberry buyers: stick to the brick-and-mortar stores and Burberry.com, please!)
Meet Burberry’s New Muse: Marika Hackman » |
But Burberry got more than a hefty paycheck: the company was granted a permanent injunction and all infringing domain names will be transferred to Burberry, WWD reports. Going forward, the brand will not need a court to shut down offending sites.
Don’t mess with that Burberry check…