
Fashion's Night Out Sets 2012 Dates

Women's Fashion's Night Out t-shirts

Photo: Facebook

Women's Fashion's Night Out t-shirts, $25, available in stores August 2012.

Clear your schedule, gals—Fashion's Night Out is making its 2012 return on September 6.

This time round, the festivities will be bigger and better than before. For its fourth annual edition, FNO is expanding to each of the 19 regions covered by its international editions, with Italy, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Brazil, and Russia hosting events in multiple cities.

And if you're up for a little globe-trotting, take note of these dates: FNO will take place in the U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Australia, and Korea on September 6; in China, India, Germany, and Russia on September 7; in Taiwan and Japan on September 8; in Brazil on September 10 and 12; in Portugal, Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands, and Mexico on September 13; in Italy on September 18; and in Greece on September 20 and 25.

Meanwhile, the 2012 FNO fashion collection, including totes and graphic tees, will be available for purchase beginning in August.

Let the games begin!