Feed Project’s 12 Days, 12 Ways to Feed: Day 9

feed project

Photo courtesy of Feed Projects

Gifts that give back: Feed Projects' Day 9 offerings

‘Tis the season for giving, and this year, Feed Projects is making it easy.

The company, founded by the recently-married Lauren Bush Lauren, has launched the 12 Days, 12 Ways to Feed campaign, an initiative that offers gifts that give back every day—from Feed holiday stockings that can provide six months of micronutrient powders to a child (Day 1) to a collaboration with Links of London that donates school meals (Day 6).

FashionEtc is happy to present today's (Day 9) offering: When you buy a duffel or backpack from the Feed Health collection, a bag full of medical supplies will be given to a community health worker around the world.

“The holidays are a special time to reflect on what we’re doing for the people we love and world at large,”  Lauren said in a statement.

“I think the best gifts are the ones that signify that and give back in a tangible and meaningful way. The 12 Days, 12 Ways to Feed campaign is a simple way to give people who want to help a way to give something great while doing good at the same time—so everyone can help feed the hungry this holiday season.”

You can pick up the Feed Health duffel bag and backpack, $127 each, at for a limited time—and don’t forget to check back with Feed for the remaining three days of giving!

In related news, check out FashionEtc’s holiday gift guide.