Karlie Kloss’ Shine Model Search

Watch out, Tyra! There’s a new model mentor in town—and she’s also looking for the next big thing.
Karlie Kloss and Mother Model Management, the St. Louis, Missouri-based agency that discovered Kloss (and Ashton Kutcher!), have announced that they’ll be scouring the Midwest for the Shine Model Search, which will award 10 finalists and one overall winner with a coterie of prizes.
Model searches will take place Thursday, June 24, in St. Louis; Saturday, June 25, in Indianapolis; Sunday, June 26, in Columbus; and Monday, June 27, in Cleveland.
“Come out come out, wherever you are!” tweeted Jeff and Mary Clarke, the founders of Mother. “We are coming to see you this weekend! Pass the word!!”
"Mary and Jeff are like family to me now, and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am today, so I jumped at the chance to support them in their search to make another 'wannabe' model’s dream come true!” Kloss told the Telegraph. “This is a fantastic way for me to support the community and the charity that launched my career. I couldn't be more excited!"
The overall winner will score a round-trip ticket and accommodations in New York, a photo shoot, and a potential contract with Mother and Next Models (which manages Kloss in New York, London, Paris, and Milan). The 10 finalists will win coaching and development (including runway) with Mother, a meeting with Next, and a photo shoot.
Another fabulous perk of being a finalist? The chance to participate in Shine, a benefit and fashion show that will take place in St. Louis on November 19. The evening will raise money and awareness for various organizations in the area that care for infants and children in need—a cause Kloss has championed for some time.
Needless to say, it's time to practice those smizes.