Kate Upton Goes to Antartica, Poses in Bikini

Kate Upton's back in the bikini! But let's be real, it was only a matter of time.
According to TMZ, Upton was showing off her controversial curves on a recent "super-secret Sports Illustrated cover shoot" in Antartica.
That's right, Antartica; as in the largest continent full of igloos, penguins, and -35° temps.
Upton was photographed on a cruise taking her from Argentina to Antartica, where she sported a barely-there bikini, while the rest of the crew wore heavy down coats, hats, and gloves.
The most impressive part about this shoot — aside from the fact that Upton's nipples are nowhere in sight and you know it was freezing out — is that the Sports Illustrated babe doesn't even look fazed by the temperatures.
We'd likely be standing there with snot frozen to our faces, but Upton looks just as she would on a scorching hot beach in Baha!
Now, that's what we call skill!