Lindsay Lohan's Publicist Quits
By Sonia Evers
10/26/12 at 05:00 PM

Photo: Patrick McMullan
The Lindsay Lohan saga continues with the latest news of her year long publicist Steve Honig calling it quits!
Honig has worked with Lilo through everything from her criminal trials to hit and runs to late night club hopping gone wrong, but something ticked him (or her?) off just enough for them to part ways.
"It was last night. I really feel very firmly that it's private and I don't want to say anything," Honig told the New York Daily News.
Rumors are circulating that the "something" that terminated this relationship has to do with Michael Lohan, though Honig's reply to that hubbub was "Michael wishes he were that important."
Well, that settles that. Maybe Lilo could use a little Kris Jenner managing her mishaps.