Olivia Wilde Covers Glamour’s June ‘Secrets’ Issue

With an enigmatic Mona Lisa smile, Olivia Wilde nabs the cover of Glamour magazine’s June issue, which has a special “Secrets” theme.
Wilde’s cover look embodies an all-American, beach-vacation style. With her crimson Eres bikini and a navy striped Enza Costa tee sliding off one shoulder, you can practically imagine sand between her toes. Her heavy bangs and messy side braid synthesize two hair trends that have had staying power since last summer.
In the accompanying interview, the House M.D. star sails through a nautical fashion shoot—and reveals a few secrets too.
Having recently filed for divorce from her husband, Italian prince Tao Ruspoli, Wilde spoke about her whirlwind marriage at 18 and what she learned along the way. She admits that the breakup was “the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do … We got engaged at Burning Man and married on a school bus. We were not conventional.”
Of jumping into another serious relationship, she says: “I don’t want to, but I probably will. I wish I could play the field … I’m a really good girlfriend.”

In the meantime, plenty of steamy leading men have been keeping her distracted on set. “I’ve been lucky to have chemistry with my costars, and I really enjoy pretend kissing,” she says. When paired with Daniel Craig in Cowboys & Aliens, that’s surely a good day’s work.
Her secret guilty pleasures? She ’fesses up to loving the comedy Weekend at Bernie’s, the song “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa, and having a crush on Robert Redford.
The magazine’s “Secrets” theme continues with a flurry of tips: styling secrets by cool young actresses, the lowdown on how belly-baring rock stars get their toned abs, and more.
Glamour executive editor Wendy Naugle explains the inspiration: “Every woman shares secret tips with her girlfriends about where to find the best fashion deal or how we found the perfect lipstick shade—and sometimes even what makes sex better,” she tells FashionEtc. “This is information we all want to know, so why keep it hush-hush? And, of course, it’s fun to tell these kinds of secrets.”
Other secrets are far more serious. One article profiles the role of women in the Central Intelligence Agency, describing the thrills and risks of life as a CIA spy. Another piece highlights a prevalent and perilous kind of secret: relationship violence. To gain a clearer picture of the current state of domestic violence, Glamour commissioned a survey of over 2,500 women, demonstrating how speaking up can help victims get out of the relationship safely. That’s one kind of secret that should not be kept.
The June issue hits newsstands this week, with a digital version for the iPad and Nook available May 16.
Read on to see who's on the June issue of Lucky magazine.