
Michael Kors on Resort 2012, Australia, and More

Resort season is on, and the trend of the moment seems to be color—specifically, neon. The venerable Michael Kors got the memo, presenting a glowing collection of sporty pieces that will also appeal to his core customer of ladies who lunch—or the “Jackie Kennedy-Barbie-surfer,” as Kors himself put it.

The Look Now's Harriet Mays Powell chatted with Kors about the super bright collection, which was inspired by a trip the designer took to Australia. “Girls are wearing a bikini underneath their work clothes [there], because at their lunch breaks they’re going to take a swim!” he said, showing off an array of suits, cashmere and sporty swimsuits.

Check out the collection—including why Kors hates the name resort but loves an actual resort—in the video.