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The Importance of Virtual Designing within the Fashion Industry

Although it may not seem so, there isn’t much that separates the fashion designer’s technical requirements from that of the digital artist’s and the two are often synonymous. Thanks to the digitization brought on by the new generation of fashion designing software applications, designers need to be proficient with the virtual aspects of apparel design as well. Virtual fashion designing is simply a lot less wasteful way to create fashion, which benefits both the industry and the environment. Let’s find out how that is possible and why it’s so important.

The Flexibility of Digital Apparel Design

Digital designs can be created, recreated, edited, and shared for further opinions as many times as necessary. This allows professional fashion designers a much larger room for error and a considerably greater scope to reach perfection. Once the design has been perfected digitally, the final few variations can be stitched to see what works best, or if there is still further room for improvement.

If that sounds very similar to prototyping, then that’s because it is. The field might be different, but it does follow the same principle. Digital fashion designing is a huge advantage for everyone in the fashion designing industry, which scales from the international luxury designer houses to even the smallest of fashion boutiques.

Simulation and 3D Design: Unlimited Potentials

None of what we discussed above would even be possible if the technology to power all that was imperfect. It used to be imperfect, and it did take a long time for fashion designing software to accommodate 3D design and simulation with 3D models and become as perfect as they are today. Now that we do have the technology to reduce expenses, errors and delays in apparel design, the potentials here are nearly unlimited for the creative fashion designer.

Just make sure that you are using a PC that can handle the graphically intensive designing tools and the 3D simulation runs, or there will be an abrupt limit on the potential unlimited possibilities. Any of these recent Lenovo Intel® Arc™ designer’s laptops should be up to the task though.

The Industrial and Practical Advantage

There is nothing that quite feels like a handstitched piece of clothing, designed, and created by a veteran fashion designer. They also cost the most and celebrities are generally seen in hand sewn clothing from famous designers for that very reason. However, perfecting that design is a long process and in today’s highly competitive market, one cannot be excused for making mistakes. Therefore, why should any designer waste both money and effort by stitching through every step of that gradual process of reaching perfection through trial and error?

They would need to do so in the old days, but they have access to both the software and the hardware to digitize those steps these days, so it would waste money and resources unnecessarily if they did not use any of it. The final designs will still be sewn by hand of course, but the ten refuted designs that came before the final pieces do not have to be. For commercial production lines, this advantage is even more prominent for obvious reasons, since they would otherwise be wasting money and fabric before being able to send any design into mass production.