Would a synthetic by any other name smell as cheap? Why Ultrasuede, imitation leather, and Lycra are getting a name reboot from retailers.
Are retailers trying to pull the wool over our eyes or just the polyester over our heads? We've noticed a worrying trend of certain synthetic, much-maligned fabrics being rebilled with more appealing names.
Par exemple: Forever 21 doesn't sell cheap rayon (a semisynthetic) or polyester garments, it sells überchic knit and woven garments that are—wait a minute!—made of rayon, polyester, or some sort of man-made blend.
This is just like the time we found out Bruce Willis's real name is Walter.
And while American Apparel is the Mecca for gold and silver lamé leggings and swimsuits, just try to find the word "lamé" in its product names. Instead you'll find a Shiny Suspender Swimsuit and a Shiny Too-Short Tube Dress—two titles in which even "lamé" wouldn't be the most cringe-worthy word in the bunch. Thank goodness for the fine print on the label—and the telltale glare threatening to blind us.
While we can't really fault stores and designers for wanting to make lackluster or imitation fabrics sound more glamorous, are shoppers really taking the bait?
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