Beauty Spotlight: Jo Malone Vitamin E Eye Creme

                        Photo: Saks Fifth Avenue


We already love Jo Malone London for their fantastic smelling bath and home products - and now their Vitamin E Skincare line has got you covered for all your winter skin woes. We’re specifically in love with the Joe Malone London Vitamin E Eye Creme!

Fine lines are blurred, dark circles erased, and our skin breathes a sigh of relief from the added moisture. Vitamin E and White Tea work deep within your skin to release antioxidants – which gives your skin a healthy boost. Caffeine helps to eradicate those pesky dark circles we’re left with after long nights out with friends, and the avocado butter makes the cream super soft and blendable.

And if all those benefits weren’t enough – this cream is moisturizing, without being greasy, which means your makeup will go on flawlessly over top in the mornings, and your pillow won’t be left a greasy mess as you sleep.

Jo Malone London Vitamin E Eye Creme 0.5 oz ($50) - Saks Fifth Avenue