
Busted! Nude Photos of Prince Harry Surface

Photo: Getty Images

Prince Harry must be blushing after being caught in the buff.

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You're in luck. In a move that is sure to "not amuse" granny Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry has been caught posing for a series of nude snapshots during a game of strip pool in Las Vegas. (Apparently that whole "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" thing doesn't apply if you're heir to the throne.)

The royal bad boy can be seen cupping his hands over his privates as he and an unidentified young woman embrace each other while fully naked. And will you check out those tan lines?

Sources say Harry and his entourage invited a group of ladies to their VIP suite for a game of strip pool which clearly got out of hand.

A spokesperson for the royal family tells TMZ—which has the photos in all their NSFW glory—that they "have no comment to make on the photos at this time."

Time to face the music, Harry.