It's a big week for the art community.

The AADA Art Show, benefiting Henry Street Settlement held its gala preview last night. Prestigious galleries, including Sperone Westwater, Acquavella, and Pace were exhibiting their finest. Collectors with a keen eye, including George Farias, Carol Mack, Leonard Lauder, Alexia and Baird Ryan, Beth DeWoody, and Michelle and Asher Edelman came to admire works by Cindy Sherman, David Wojnarowicz, and many other artists, both established and up and coming.

"That's Mel Bochner, he's the current big thing," said a visitor who prefers to remain anonymous, referring to a painting of ornery comments written in various shades of white. "Everyone was talking about him at Miami Basel, and his paintings that say 'BLAH BLAH BLAH.'"

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Jon Hamm  Jennifer Westfeldt

Friends With Kids, a new film written and directed by Jennifer Westfeldt, is a funny and poignant commentary on the consequences of parenthood. The stellar ensemble cast of this Indie movie includes Westfeldt, her real life partner Jon Hamm, Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott, Chris O'Dowd and Maya Rudolph.

"This is the dream cast," said Westfeldt, wearing vintage Vicky Tiel, at the Cinema Society screening. "I'm pinching myself every second that this cast said yes."

The film is about the dramatic changes brought about in couples' lives when they have kids. Two friends, played by Westfeldt and Scott, watch in horror as the stress of having children makes marriages around them deteriorate. They decide the best way to avoid the same pitfalls is to have a baby together, stay friends and date other people. Good plan? No one else thinks so, but they do it anyway.

Friends with Kids was shot in a whirlwind four weeks, during which the cast packed in lots of memorable times together.

"The movie starts with a dinner scene with all of the friends around the table," Hamm, wearing Tom Ford, told FashionEtc. "We shot that at Soho House downtown, and there were a lot of laughs. It happened to be on Grammy night, almost a year ago to the day. It was a really fun, funny, loose, improv-y, exciting day."

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The Whitney Museum's Biennial is always a highly anticipated event. Last night's opening was packed with collectors, connoisseurs and art lovers. Whitney Museum Director Adam Weinberg was the perfect host, excitedly greeting the likes of Andrew Andrew, Brooke Neidich, and Chuck Close.

The Museum's five floors are packed with painting, sculpture, photography, theater, video and performance art. Elaine Reichek has several works embroidered on canvas in the show, executed by using sophisticated digital machinery. There are paintings by Jutta Koether, Nicole Eisenman and Andrew Masullo, and sculptures by Vincent Fecteau and Matt Hoyt. Other participants include playwright and theater director Richard Maxwell, musicians Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran, as well as the rock band The Red Krayola, choreographers Michael Clark and Sarah Michelson, photographers LaToya Ruby Frazier and Liz Deschenes, and many more.

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"What am going to wear?" I would wager that even Kate Moss has occasionally asked herself that question.

Luckily, the Mondrian hotel in Los Angeles, a member of Morgans Hotel Group, and stylehaus have teamed up to provide the answer.

Guests checking in at the hotel are given VIP access to the Red Carpet Room, a pop-up boutique created to fulfill every fashion lover's desire. Custom dresses and gowns from top designers, vintage couture and accessories from Lanvin, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga, and diamond jewelry by the likes of Philip Press and Elodie K are available for purchase, and for loan outs for talent and outside stylists—perfect for Oscar season.

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